Latest Episodes
#29: Early Voting Comes to CT & Rep. Christine Palm on the Climate Protection Act
CT votes EARLY for the Presidential Primary and we're back with all the info on that, a few bills before the state legislature, and...
#28: Thinking Nationally, Acting Locally
Comptroller Sean Scanlon joins us from the road. We also look at efforts to ban books, discuss the importance of local elections (see: the...
#27: Book Bans, a Budget, and Bob (Duff)
Voting rights! Red Lights! Witchcraft! We look at some of the legislation passed this term, shine a spotlight on the book-banning efforts we're fighting...
#26: Tennessee You At the Polls
New year, new format! Mike and Dave welcome Grace to the team as they discuss the GOP own-goal in Tennessee and the implications of...
#25: Joe Courtney and Lisa Thomas
It's Eastern CT Day on the podcast (with ghost stories!) Congressman Joe Courtney, who knows a thing or two about close elections, chats with...
#24: Jahana Hayes and Paul Honig
Life informs legislating for both US Rep Jahana Hayes and CT Senate candidate Paul Honig. On this week's episode, Rep. Hayes talks about her...