It's Eastern CT Day on the podcast (with ghost stories!) Congressman Joe Courtney, who knows a thing or two about close elections, chats with Mike about the urgency of 2022 and the work he's done for Connecticut's second district. And CT Senate candidate Lisa Thomas talks with Jesse about the value of face-to-face conversations when it comes to both solving problems and winning votes (even if the voter lives in Illinois).
When was Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Middletown? Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz tells the story, reflects on the incredible legacy of the great Justice, and more....
It's the Doddcast! Former US Senator Chris Dodd talks about the national scene, landmark legislation, and his take on the way forward. Michelle McCabe...
Rep. Joe Courtney and Sen. Norm Needleman on the landmark legislation they've been working on to help people in eastern CT, and an inside...